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Bestowed - by Cynthia Schwertsik

  • 68 Main St Hahndorf, South Australia, 5245 (map)

We warmly invite you to Bestowed by Cynthia Schwertsik, at the Hahndorf Academy on 13 March 2025 from 1pm till 6:30pm.

Bestowed is a poetic art service of listening and recycling, that asks audiences to engage in a conversation about an object they have been given that they no longer want to hold on to.

Cynthia invites you to join her in conversation about what has been bestowed to you that no longer fits in your life. To bring in an object and talk about the expectation to keep this object. Throughout this meeting, she aims to uncover the personal connections between the rituals of giving and receiving, whilst unpacking the excess of things that surround us. And to how these things shape our lives and the environment.

The aim of this encounter is to hand over the object to give it a new life, as part of an evolving art project. This will take the form of a farewell ritual that responds directly to your story.

Drop in or book to secure your preferred time slot, set aside approximately 10-15 minutes

Bestowed seeks to unravel the complexities and expectations of gifts, exploring the social and practical responsibilities involved in the burden of unwanted gifts, whilst experimenting with rituals of disposal as a public service. This project has been created in collaboration with OSCA – Open Space Contemporary Arts, as part of their Projects of the Everyday SA artists commissioning initiative.

Later Event: 29 March