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The Menopause Project - Claire Wildish - Workshops

  • 68 Main St Hahndorf, South Australia, 5245 (map)

The Menopause Project

Join artist Claire Wildish of The Menopause Project for a series of workshops at Hahndorf Academy

Join artist Claire Wildish for a series of workshops at Hahndorf Academy where themes of menopause, motherhood, and “manic making” are explored through creative expression and community connection.

“All I Need is a Hug” Cape Making Workshop - 01.02

Sharing experiences brings immense comfort. While pills, patches, and Pilates for brain fog, unruly emotions, and changing body types are helpful, what every woman truly needs during this time of uncontrollable frustration is an old-school “stitch and bitch.”

This is a three-hour workshop where women are encouraged to bring an item of clothing, such as their favorite pair of jeans that no longer fit, to cut up and hand-stitch into our community cape. This cape will travel with me between workshop locations, symbolising our shared journey and support.

The “Say It Like It Is” T-Shirt Printmaking Campaign - 15. 02

After spending seven years trying to tell the doctor I had perimenopause, after so many tests, when she finally agreed with me she expected me to burst into tears. I just wanted to say " I told you so!" So I made a T-shirt instead.

In this workshop event , participants will make a hand printed T-shirt and are then invited to wear it to the final In this workshop event , participants will make a hand-printed T-shirt and are then invited to wear it to the final soirée to be part of the conversation and tell their story. to be part of the conversation and tell their story. (Bring your own T-shirt)

“Milliner My Menopause” Outrageous Hat Making Workshop - 22.02

An all-day workshop where participants use felt to craft an outrageous "brain fog" hat full of the forgotten things and frustrated feelings to be paraded proudly at the final soirée.