The Extraordinary Vessel
Suzie Gardiner, Yasmin Grass, Linda Lee, Elizabeth Wojciak
March 31 - April 30, 2023
Event launch April 1 at 2-4pm
Guest Opening Speaker Bruce Nuske
This project presents vessels as multi formed receptacles with hints relating to lifestyles of unseen inhabitants.
Four artists research and document their invented and personal representations of vessel as memento.
These works reference the useful and practical, the decorative, ornamental and natural in staged domestic scenarios.
Fictitious representations of invented still life elevating the ordinary to the ceremonial.
YASMIN GRASS, Parasol Vase
LINDA LEE, Night Bloom
Suzie is a community orientated visual artist and designer with a history of working in school programs, workshops, public events, community centres, and more recently a shared studio. Along with other fields of art and design she has also completed a Bachelor of Visual Art and Design, which has further informed her ongoing art practise and explores concepts concerning human basic needs including environmental themes and links. Working in natural media and materials such as charcoal, ink, graphite, clay, chalk, wood, metal and paper, her works are often a blend of drawing and painting – in turn occasionally merging the two-dimensional with three-dimensional pieces. This duality enables a greater process of exploration and creation, depth of connect, and underlying meaning.
Yasmin is an artist working in Adelaide. Previously a Lecturer in Visual Art Yasmin now concentrates on making paintings and exhibits regularly.
Her painting process is a little unusual as she doesn’t start with an end point in mind. Instead one or two key elements appear and are then supported by further additions. Each painting emerges puzzle like.
Yasmin thinks of herself as a decorative explorer on a domestic expedition viewing the house and garden as an extension of the self.
Yasmin Grass (@yasmin.grass) • Instagram photos and videos
Linda Lee is an Adelaide based painter who works from a city art studio. She has a background in Design as well as formal qualifications in Visual Arts. Both disciplines are evident in her painting style which employs both graphic and decorative elements.
Her paintings reflect her interest in visual aesthetics as well as evocative subject matter. She is inspired by exotica found in crafted pieces or sourced in elements of nature. Her art practice is essentially guided by the design principles of composition: balance, contrast, emphasis and unity. Most importantly, her work is underpinned with strong colour theory considerations which are employed to invoke an emotional response.
Linda Lee (@linda_anne_lee) • Instagram photos and videos
Elizabeth Wojciak is an Adelaide based artist who works in the media of painting and drawing. She has a Bachelor of Visual Arts and Applied Design from the Adelaide College of the Arts. Since her studies, she has received several awards including the MinterEllison Lawyers Rising Star Award, Academic Achievement Award and the Art Stretchers Award for Highest Achievement in Painting. Elizabeth also has been selected to exhibit in the Waterhouse Natural History Art Prize, represented ACArts Adelaide at PICA in Perth. Her work is now included in several national and international private collections. She works at Praxis Art Studios in Bowden South Australia.
Elizabeth Wojciak (@wojciakelizabeth) • Instagram photos and videos