School Holiday Workshop
Make your own WONDERLAND ZINE with Claire Wildish
In the Naomi Hobson Gallery at Hahndorf Academy
Tuesday October 3rd
10.30am -12pm
1pm -2.30pm
$10 per kid
Suitable for ages 5 -14 years old
Make a wonderland zine all about you! Zines are self-published, hand-made books made by you, using colour, collage and storytelling.
You’ll be in the gallery amongst Naomi Hobsons amazing photographs of kids exploring their wonderland. Be inspired to design your own zine and include yourself, family, friends or places that hold special memories - where you live now, places you visit often or places you dream of visiting. Anyone can make a zine! You can take your zine home!
Wear your practical art making clothes and you also get chance to use the photo booth with dress ups!
Zine fun facts…
People have been making zines since the invention of the photocopier by Inventor Chester Carlson.
In the 1930’s it all started with sci-fi fanzines - the first one published was called Comet.
In the 1940’s Lisa Ben produced “Vice Versa”, the very first U.S. periodical published.
In the 1960’s Rock fanzines were born with “Crawdaddy!” “Mojo Navigator”, “Rock and Roll News” and “Who Put the Bomp”.
In the 1970’s the punk subculture in the U.K. kick started a wave of fanzines challenging established print media like “Blam!” and “Bombsite”.
Zines are like the tangible Twitter and they’re having a comeback. Zine libraries and festivals are appearing around every corner.
Claire Wildish is a community artist and Artist in Residence at the Ruby Award winning U City Arts Studio. Before moving to Adelaide in 2016 she spent five years living and working in the remote Western Australian Indigenous community of Irrunytju where she learnt the secret art of listening and storytelling. Her two extraordinary children taught her how to make zines and from their breakfast table publishing company they cut and paste strange characters on wild adventures in search of cockroaches, cucumbers, dead potatoes and ice cream dreams.
zine design by Claire Wildish