June 28 - July 29 2018
Artist’s Voice Wintering
Winter can be a contemplative time and this group exhibition by artists from the Adelaide Hills capture the essence of the season with mixed media works.
The ‘Artist’s Voice’ was formed in 1997 and is an association of visual artists based at the Hahndorf Academy where it holds regular exhibitions in the upstairs gallery.
Group and solo exhibitions are also held at other venues throughout the state.
The Artist’s Voice was formed so that local artists might share resources, ideas and enthusiasms and to raise awareness of local art and artist’s within our community.
Most members are established artists with many enjoying considerable reputations throughout Australia.
contact@theartistsvoice.com.au https://www.facebook.com/adelaidehillsart
Betty Anderson 'Autumn Leaves'
Kon Heyer 'Cross Road'
Margie Hooper 'Tokuremoar'