Beverley Southcott: ‘Energy Matters’
August 1 - September 16 2018
GUEST OPENING SPEAKER Greg Ackland, Principal Lecturer - Adelaide College of the Arts
Beverley Southcott captures images from the world news on television with her iPhone 6 which has a quick shutter exposure. There is a strong body of work with these abstract photographic images which look at the media’s focus on war and devastation in the world and here we are reminded of the positive good news and hope with ‘Energy Matters’.
Beverley says ‘the daily world news feeds seemed to me, mainly a 24/7 steady stream of misery of heightened states of war and conflict or; the looming of such, that includes inter-related, interdependent world suffering. It seemed relentless and unchanging. These world events, broadcast daily are mainly over orchestrated by large media corporations and 'others', that seemed designed to keep us in fearful and captive states within their never ending pursuit of propaganda and misery.
Somehow I wanted to take all of this and 're-bundle' this endless data and 're-stream' this into a re-newed meaning of ‘hope’, 'love' and understanding from these daily disasters and scenes of misery that occur throughout the world. Simultaneously goodness, joy, 'resistance' and happiness within daily events continue to occur and are largely unreported. It reinforces that old adage, if 'there's no news, its good news' and what may be the reasons for this’.
Beverley Southcott 2018
Beverley Southcott 'Re Looking, Energy Matters Two' 2017
Beverley Southcott 'Re Looking, Energy Matters one' 2017